
Thursday, March 21, 2013

WPLUS9 Monday Mood Board - Easter Eggs

Today I'm playing along with the WPlus9 Monday Mood Board.  I'm lovin the weekly challenges and enjoying creating with my WPlus9 stamps.  For me making a card is like putting together a puzzle - you know - sometimes they sit there for days until you get just the right piece in the right place.  That's sort of how my cards work.  Sometimes they come to me easy and sometimes not so much.  Either way I always like to have one in the works that I can play around with until I'm happy.   It just relaxes me and gives me a feeling of satisfaction when it all comes together.  

I saw this inspiration photo and of course I focused on the yellow and purple - I love the way they complement each other.  Gotta admit I'm a little short on Easter cards so this is all good with me.  I stamped the backgrounds and added a sweet tag with pearls.   I hope you like it. 
If you'd like to play along with the Monday Mood Board you can get all the details here!  Thanks for having a look and have a beautiful day!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 4.25  x 5.5"
Stamps:  (Design Basics Backgrounds One, Easter Greetings, Folk Art Florals) WPlus9
Dies:  (Timeless Tags) WPlus9, (Nested Lacy Pennants) Spellbinders
Card Stock:  (White, Lemon Tart, Lavender Moon) Papertrey Ink
Ink:  (Angel Pink, Lulu Lavender, Dandelion) Momento, (Onyx Black) Versafine
White Button Thread, 5/8" Ivory Twill May Arts,  1/2" Pink Ric Rac Ribbon Trends (Hobby Lobby)
Extras: Pearls Recollections


  1. So pretty Jeanne, what lovely spring colours you used.

  2. Very pretty card,Love your colors...

  3. Love it Jeanne!! Wonderful use of the mood board....I'm so ready for spring!! Last Sunday I was in flip flops and Monday am wearing two sweaters!!

  4. I love the ric rack on your cute purple and yellow card. Those are the two colors that most remind me of Easter. I love the subtle tone on tone patterned paper you made too. A very cheery card!

  5. Wow--this card just screams EASTER! I love it. I love all your background stamping, the the perfect focal point you created.

  6. Yellows & light purples just say "Easter" don't they? Such a lovely card, and I like all the details you added here. Great rickrack trim. Found you via Miss Darnell ( I always try to check out her blog recommendations. She's never let me down yet! Just joined as a follower, and hope you might have time to visit me too. I'll be back as fast as I can! TFS

  7. Such a Beautiful Card!! I LOVE all of the added details and your take on the challenge photo!! THANKS for sharing and have a Fabulous Week!! =)

  8. Hi Jeanne! Sorry that I've been away for so long... I'm missing your beautiful creations :(
    Love this Easter card!! Such sweet colours and love the cute tags.
    Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left me :) Wishing you a wonderful weekend!! {hugs}

  9. So pretty, love the stamped tags ! Nice when things just come together.

  10. Beautiful, Jeanne, and perfect for Easter! The bright yellow down the sun is like sunshine coming through a window. Love the rick rack and the sweet tags!

  11. Amazingly pretty - as always! Love how you always manage to put so many lovely details together (my cards look cluttered when I try to)
    - so impressed
    Can't wait to see what you'll create with the new wms (I don't have them yet - but I'm in love already (-: )

  12. Another beautiful creation Jeanne! Thanks for playing!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!