
Friday, February 8, 2013

WMMM - Cranberry Sauce

For the past few weeks, Claire at Waltzingmouse has been coming up with a challenge for us every Monday.  I'm a little late in the game because I have been under the weather.  I've been sneaking to my desk between lying in bed and sleeping.  This card took me four days to make - CRAZY!   There is still time to play along before a new challenge is issued on Monday.  You can get all the deets here.   This week is a color challenge that Claire is appropriately calling Cranberry Sauce.
For all the gradient shades of red I layered colored card stock, paper roses, and inked up the heart in three different shades of ink.  To make the accordion heart I stamped 3 hearts, folded them in half and adhered them together stacking one folded half on top of the other.  When I fan folded it open I adhered it to a plain die cut  heart.

Here's my finished card:
Don't forget the blog party is on the 17th of this month.  The theme this time is doilies   We've all got some -  I can't wait to see all the beautiful designs!  You can get all the information here.

Stay healthy!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse Sweethearts, Nordic Spring
Dies:  Spellbinder Classic Hearts, Classic Scalloped Hearts, Classic Decorative Inserts Two Edge-abilities  Classic Petal Edgeabilities
Ink:  Real Red Stampin Up, Love Letter & Lady Bug Red Momento, Black Onyx Versafine
Pattern Paper:  October Afternoon Farmhouse Collection
Card Stock Papertrey Ink: Vintage Cream,  Pure Poppy, Scarlet Jewel, Stampin Up:Raspberry Ripple  Cherry Cobbler
3/8" Burgundy Velvet Ribbon
Crown Pins Wild Orchid Crafts
Pearl Ring His & Hers Hobby Lobby


  1. I'm sorry you've been sick...hope you feel better soon! I love this...the 3D heart is LOVELY Jeanne! Those borders are so rich~and the flowers are GORGEOUS.

  2. Hope you are feeling a bit better and that you are getting waited on as much a s possible.
    This is really pretty , love the layered edges with all the colors. Your accordion stamped heart it beautiful too.

  3. I love the heavenly colors, Jeanne, and the mix of flowers. Get well soon!

  4. Sorry to hear you hae been under the weather, but what a better place to be but snuggled in bed. Beautiful card, love the gradient colours.

  5. First off, I hope you feel better really soon!!! Sometimes the best thing is just to rest (which seems to be the hardest thing to do when you're not feeling good). Hugs Jeanne!!!

    Secondly, your card is gorgeous! Whenever you post, I always check out what cardstock colors you used in your supply list:) The reds are just so rich and beautiful! And that little loop of wired pearls? I'm dying over those.

    Feel better soon my dear!

  6. Oh so sorry to hear you don't feel well! This is a true beauty of a card......the monochromatic ruffles to the dimensional heart! So pretty!

  7. Goodness how dedicated are you to get up out of your sick bed to create this lovely card Jeanne! I love the layered die cut strips and your gorgeous layered heart! I had such trouble with using ALL of the colors! Finally got something posted tonight during our blizzard here in MA!

  8. Simply stunning Jeanne! I love those die cut borders.
    Hope you feel better soon x

  9. You couldn't rush Michelangelo with the Sistine Chapel, right?! No WONDER this took you 4 days, it's Valentine perfection! Love the layered heart and the lovely rich colors of the border. PS...Hope you feel better soon :) I am afraid that signs of the stomach bug are starting to buzz around at the Schirmers, grrrr!

  10. LOVE how you did the layers on the bottom in different colors. This is so sweet with the pretty heart and cluster of flowers. Sounds like you are more than a little under the weather. Hope you are starting to feel better. Take care and get all the rest you can.

  11. Oh my stars lady this is pure awesomness! You are just so uber talented!

  12. It is no fun being sick but I hope you are on the mend soon. I am in love with this card, just beautiful and that lacy border, amazing!

  13. What a beautiful card. I love your frilled border

  14. I do hope you're feeling better now - sometimes we simply need to sleep!

    Your card is absolutely stunning! I love the graduated lacey border and the dimensional heart - just fab!

  15. Jeanne,
    So sorry to hear that you have been ill! I hope you are doing better soon!
    Your card is so lovely! I love the hearts and the gorgeous borders in the graduated colors. Just beautiful!
    :) Jill

  16. This card possesses the same richness as Claire's inspiring photograph. As usual, I adore your combination of embellishments.

  17. Oh good lord... I know I'm seriously busy when I think I've commented on a card and haven't!! Love all those border layers with the use of gradient colors11 Heart is fab!! These colors put my "pea brain" in a tizzy!!

  18. Well, it was totally worth the four days, Jeanne! It's stunning! I really love the gradient effect with your paper layers! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Hugs!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!