
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The RIbbon Reel Challenge #34 Retro Colours

 I know you're addicted to paper like me, but are you enamoured with ribbons and trims of lace, satin, twill, grosgrain, seam binding, paper flowers, buttons and so much more?  Well I know I am!  And I know just the place to find all the fab things that I love!  Why The Ribbon Reel of course!  Their blog challenge is one of my favorite places to play!  I am always challenged by their sketches and inspired by the gorgeous creations by their design team!  That is why I'm so excited to tell you that I'm the  Guest Designer for the month of August at The Ribbon Reel Challenge Blog!

This is the inspiration photo.  You are to create something using the colours (ok so I'm going to pretend I'm British with the extra 'U' in "colours"!   It is the proper thing after all!)  in the photo and add a flower as well as some lace, ribbon or twine.  The Ribbon Reel Challenges last two weeks so you have lots of time to think about what you want to do and MAKE SOMETHING!!    Don't get me started on the British thing - some of my most favorite things are British - from the literature (Jane Austin, Bronte Sisters), dry comedy (Monty Python, Ricky Gervais, Absolutely Fabulous), music (David Bowie, The Cure), cars (Austin Healey's/Rolls Royce).  Yes I admit I did watch the Royal Wedding - yes ... BOTH Charles & Di, and Wills & Kate and I can fake a pretty good accent from listening to BBC radio on PBS!   Ok enough of that ......

When I saw the photo I started thinking back to school and then got back on track with the RETRO colors and decided to go all "Office" on you here.  I love this retro theme paper by October Afternoon.  Sometimes I miss my office days, but then I get to hear the gripes from my sister who is holding down the fort at law office and I'm slapped back into reality!  I thought I'd make this one for her to remind her to keep it all in perspective.... make the most of every day, don't sweat the small stuff... and all that! :)

I embellished with loads of goodies from The Ribbon Reel... .orange polka dot grosgrain, aqua pom pom trim, twine, twill, paper tea roses and cherry blossoms, and of course those shiny leaf pins.  I highly recommend all the goodies you will find at The Ribbon Reel and hope you will indulge in their delights!  Thanks for having a peek and have a fab day!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamp:Tim Holtz Seamless Experience
Paper:  October Afternoon 9to5 Collection
Trims:  Ribbon Reel
20mm Champagne Twill tripe
16mm Orange Grosgrain Dot
Small Aqua Pom Trim
Divine Twine Aqua Blue Bakers Twine
Tea Rose 25 mm Off White
Cherry Blossom Light Moss Green
Leaf Pins
Extras:  Clip, Eyelet
Dies:  SIzzix Sizzlit Photo Corner


  1. Love this, Jeanne! I love how you used the binder clip and the office themed OA paper. Love all the trims and ribbons too.

  2. This is fabulous Jeanne! I love the fun papers, so retro! And the beautiful bow and sweet pins too, simply gorgeous!

  3. Congratulations for being a Guest Designer!! Your card is fabulous, as always!! Love the paper, flowers and ribbons!!

  4. I just want to do a double back flip over this card Jeanne :) How in the world you combined these elements is beyond me, but it works. It totally works and I love it!! I'm smiling from ear to ear with the outstanding embellishments and COLOR!
    Congratulations to you on your GDT spot. So well deserved. :)

  5. Realize that I am picturing you saying all this in a British this card! That great retro paper, bet my grandma looked just like that years ago with her hat on and the cute stick pins, pom-poms and fabulous layering. Congrats on being the guest designer, you totally rocked this!

  6. Oh my gosh, I LOVE that cutsey patterned paper you used with the secretaries on it! I think that your sister is really going to like this card :)

  7. Yay Jeanne - so great to have you Guest Designing with us at The Ribbon Reel! The papers are really cute - I must find me some of those!! What a brilliant quote - theres a lot of truth in it and very inspiring I have to say! The trims are really gorgeous - wow, your sister will definitely appreciate this ;) x x

  8. This is ever so pretty, Jeanne! LOVE this color palette to pieces, and your little ribbon cluster and yummy papers are absolutely fabulous! Huge congrats on your GDT spot! Woohoo!

  9. oh my goodness, this card is just too adorable...I love the retro look and this paper is just too darn cute. Your bow with all the details so beautiful, love everything about this card!

  10. Congrats...again on your GDT spot ! Super happy for you! Oh this sounds like such a great card for your sister. Love the lady's typing , and talking on the phone. Wonderful job with the bright colours :) gorgeous Jeanne bow! Off to take a peek.

  11. Love your adorable card! That retro paper is so cool (adore those hair styles & the hat--lol!) and you added just the right embellishments. Great quote too--your sister will love it! Big congrats on your GD spot. It's VERY well deserved!

  12. Love this card - such a great use of this paper and sentiment together! I am sure your sister will adore it!
    Congrats on your GD spot!
    Cheerio! (Your British chat made me smile!)

  13. Congrats on being Guest Designer! This card is AMAZING!!! Love the papers, bow, pins and clip!!! Wonderful job!

  14. Congrats Missy!!! Love all the bright colors...the OA paper...lined paper, sentiment, and clip!!! Your sis will love it!!! It's Office...Jeanne style, LOL!

  15. Gorgeous retro card with beautiful bright colors! Amazing it!

  16. Oh, and big congrats on your Guest Designer spot! Take care!:-)

  17. Gorgeous, Jeanne ... pure perfection! Thanks for sharing your lovely work with us at The Ribbon Reel :)

  18. Beautiful retro card Jeanne, I just love those papers, just perfect! Thanks for joining us this month xx


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!