
Thursday, August 30, 2012

12 Kits of Christmas August Edition!

Are you ready for another edition of the 12 Kits of Christmas? Just to refresh your memory, this is a group of 12 designers. Each has been assigned a month to provide the Christmas crafting supplies to the other 11 members. We all receive the same supplies and post our creations on the last day of every month.

This month our hostess supplying all the goodies is Kim from Cupcakes Cards & Kim    Kim has a really clean graphic style - she lets the images do all the talking!   I can't wait to see the projects she came up with!  Take a gander at this bag of lovelies..droool... . pleated satin ribbon, gems, buttons, pretty papers from Fancy Pants Designs, silver foil die cuts, and gold jingle bells - can't go wrong with this!!  I had a lot of fun and can't wait to tell you about the changes we are planning for next year!
This month I came up with 4 cards. It would have been easy to keep going with all the perfectly coordinated supplies.  I decided to save a little so I can CASE one of the ladies next month.  I've named each of the cards so you can match up the material list at the bottom of this post
O Christmas Tree (of course!)
Holiday  (Gift Card Holder)



You ain't seen nothin' yet!!  Why not check out what the other members of the 12 Kits of Christmas came up with this month. You can jump to their blog by clicking on their names below (listed by month).

Kim August (Our Hostess this Month)
Kara September
Jessica October
Jeanne (That's Me!) November
Sharron December
Renee January
Cathy February
Suzanne March
Marybeth April
Joyce May
Amy June
Christina July

Thanks for stopping by for a peek! Have a fantastic day!


Supplies Used:
O Christmas Tree   Finished Size 6.25 x 4.5
Image Digital - Pink Petticoat
Paper:  Fancy Pants Designs Winterland
Card stock Papertrey Stampers Select White, Aqua Mist
Corner Chomper Corner Rounder We R Memory Keepers 1/4"
Victorian Crochet Trim Stampin Up!, Blue Organza Joann's
Divine Twine Aqua

Holiday  Finished Size 6" x 6"
Paper:  Fancy Pants Designs WInterland. Papertrey Ink Aqua Mist
Victorian Crochet Trim Stampin Up!
Seam Binding Hug Snug Paradise Aqua
Papertrey Ink Wonderful Words Die
Button Thread Waltzingmouse
Buttons Papertrey Ink Aqua Mist

Digital Images Pink Peticoat
Jingle Bells, Gems Stampin Up!, Vellum Envelope

Merry  Finished Size:  6" x 6"
Paper:  Fancy Pants Designs WInterland
"Merry" Die Cut Papertrey Ink Wonderful Words
Button:  Papertrey Ink Aqua Mist
Button Thread Waltzinmouse
Dies:  Spellbinders Stars 5, Nested Pine Trees
Ink:  Versamageic Sage
Pearl: Stampin Up!

Celebrate   Finished Size 6" x 6"
Paper:  DCWV Glitter Paper Silver
Papertrey Ink Vintage Cream, Sweet Blush, Stampin Up! Very Vanilla, Pink Pirouette
TIm Holtz Distress Ink:  Spun Sugar
Dies:  Spellbinders  Labels 19
Button:  Papertrey Ink Sweet Blush
Ribbon:  Stampin Up! Pleated Satin Blushing Bride
Embossing Folder:  Cuttlebug Snowflakes
Makers:  Copic, Gems:  Stampin Up!, Twinery Twine Blossom


  1. All of your cards are just gorgeous. I can pick out your cards from a mile away. You tie the most gorgeous bows ever. I think my favorite is the holiday gift card holder. Such a clever use of that envelope, and I love the 'no peeking' message on the bow.

  2. These are all beautiful Jeanne, I love these non traditional colours for Christmas cards, all so pretty!

  3. Jeanne, this kit is one of my favorites with the cards you've created! I just love the layout of the first, with all those blues, the sweet little tag hanging off the it! The second has that adorable little envelope hanging out...I was stumped by it, but I love what you did! I also love the pearl for the top of the "i" in holiday. The tree looks great on the next, but the last is a showstopper! The pink and grey look awesome together :) I love how you added pink to the embossing of the snowflakes and the grey glitter is so fancy :) You rocked this kit!

  4. Jeanne, this kit is one of my favorites with the cards you've created! I just love the layout of the first, with all those blues, the sweet little tag hanging off the it! The second has that adorable little envelope hanging out...I was stumped by it, but I love what you did! I also love the pearl for the top of the "i" in holiday. The tree looks great on the next, but the last is a showstopper! The pink and grey look awesome together :) I love how you added pink to the embossing of the snowflakes and the grey glitter is so fancy :) You rocked this kit!

  5. beautiful cards!! love how you used the vellum envelope!! I really wanted to use it, but couldn't make it work!! Now i can case yours!!

  6. Oh, these are so perfect! Gosh, it must be ever so fun to play with these kits! Each creation is so unique and beautiful and different!

  7. I actually had to take notes for this one Jeanne. UNBELIEVABLY beautiful cards! I loved that leopard purse and that silver glitter paper...did you add that pink distress ink with a brayer? So perfect! I also really loved the layers of aqua patterned papers on your first card with the sheer bow and little teeny tag. I did not know what to do with that vellum envie, but a gift card holder is such a perfect idea (darn, wish I had thought of that one). I also loved that you used the word Merry on the third card and added that strip of words that really describe what the word Merry means. How did you ever think of that one? Great job this month, blew me away!

  8. I knew I was going to love them...
    but wow!!
    They're fabulous Jeanne!!
    Love the layers on the first one...
    I didn't get that paper and it's gorgeous!!
    That bow on the 2nd...
    with "no peeking"...
    love it!!
    And then the tree...
    but seriously lovin' that fabby leopard print bag...
    love the way you inked the embossing!!
    All of them are gorgeous...
    I can spot your cards a mile away! :)

  9. Each one is a true creation of beauty! Your cards are all outstanding . We must have all received a few different images. I love your pink purse card , its just so glam! the Holiday one with the envelope tucked in is also very pretty. I could go on and on, but I wont. I love them all!

  10. Oh, Jeanne, they are all so gorgeous! I would like to CASE every one! The layers on the first one with the lace and 'no peeking' tag is fabulous! I didn't get that particular paper and it's so pretty with all the aqua. Love how you used the vellum envelope on the next card and your tree out of the polka dot paper is wonderful. The leopard purse with pink snowflakes and silver is well--WOW!

  11. Jeanne, these are just so incredible but I knew you would work your wonderful magic with the ingredients and of course you did. I can't select just one as a favorite, they are so stunning and breath takingly beautiful. Your final card with the chalked embossed paper and the way you colored that hand bag, just fabulous!!!!

  12. I feel completely incompetent in card making after I see your blog. I also feel as though I can't control my bodily functions as my shirt is now soaked with drool. Gorgeous, GORGEOUS array of beautiful inspriation.
    High five to YOU!

  13. Wow, Jeanne! This kit looks like it was made for you! All of your cards are incredible, as always. :) Love the layering on the first one with the soft blues, crochet trim, and sheer ribbon. The gift card holder is adorable, and I love your polka dot tree! The way you sponged the embossed snowflakes is amazing, too. So girly and fun!

  14. Jeanne, seriously...your cards are SO FRICKIN FANTASTIC that I am convinced that I am in the wrong post or we are in two different groups! I love your first card - the paper and ribbon and whole aqua theme is stunning!

  15. Oh my goodness, love all of the diversity here Jeanne. These are guaranteed to make the recipients holidays even brighter. Terrific cards!

  16. NO WAY! I love your aqua color cards especially that SQUARE card! Every little detail down to the vellum envie is just perfect! I totally agree with Suzanne's comment! :) What an awesome kit this month!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!