
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just Us Girls # 123 Technique - Buttons - Let It Snow!

I feel like the Mad Hatter today!  I'm Late I'm Late!  Well almost... I will be getting this one posted just in time if you know what I mean.  Today I'm playing along with Just Us Girls Challenge.  This week we are challenged to create with buttons.  I adore buttons.  I started with a collection of just a small box when my kids were little.  I used to love their toddler clothing with buttons of airplanes and kitty cat faces.  When their clothes were too worn or stained I would clip the fancy buttons from them and put them in a box.  The buttons were a way to hold on to some precious part of their childhood.  Today I'm still collecting buttons.  I went from a small jewelry box to a giant shoe box full of buttons.    When I saw the button challenge I knew I would play along.  If you'd like to play along you can get all the details here:

I cut out lots of snowflakes with foil paper and embellished them with layers of buttons and gems. for lots of snowy sparkle.

Thanks for having a look - Have a great day!!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Patterend Paper:  Fancy Pants Holly Jolly Collection Striped Sweater
Dies:  Spellbinders  Fancy Tags Two, Create A Flake 2, Create A Flake 3
Stamp:  Serendipity Let It Snow #151D
Ink:  VersaFine Onyx Black


  1. Oh, I like this! The colors are so crisp and cool, love the metallic snowflakes and the pretty sentiment frame. Very, very nice. I love it.

  2. YOU are a girl after MY button-lovin' heart, Jeanne! {I did the same thing with MY kid's clothing! In fact I still have a drawer full, where I still grab fabric swatches for card accents, now and then! Dontcha' just LOVE crafters? hee hee} THIS card, and YOUR post, exemplify HOW stunning, and necessary, buttons can be in card crafting: I love YOUR card! Thanks, SOOOOO much for sharing your talent with Just Us Girls! xoxo!

  3. Очень красивая открытка! с вашего позволения возьму идею на заметку!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!