
Friday, February 24, 2012

Cupcake Inspirations #148 - Sock Monkey

Grab Our ButtonI wanted to get an extra post in today because I am running out of time on this challenge.   I strongly recommended to a good blog friend that she should do this one but I haven't seen anything from her yet - HINT HINT!  I know that if she did this one that I wouldn't stand a chance so I was going to pass.  By some divine intervention - or my sheer lack of restraint, while I was on my weekly craft store hunt my daughter spotted this paper with sock monkeys and said "aren't you going to do the Cupcake Challenge?".  Needless to say my fate was sealed.

I was immediately inspired by the colors - black and red, patterns - polka dots and stripes, and of course that cute sock monkey.  I made mine into a festive - Go You! card that can be used for just about any cheerful occasion.  For the sock monkey embellishment I fussy cut one of the little guys from the pattern paper and used pop dots to give some dimension.  There lots of bling and shine - the satin ribbon, the gems, and even the buttons almost glow.  I think you can see the influence here.  If you want to play along - you better hurry - you can get all the details here:

Thanks for stopping by for  a look - I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 6X6"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse Bitty Banners, Vintage Banners
Paper:  Paper Studio Sock Monkey, Black Polka Dots - October Afternoon Thrift Shop
Border Punch:  EK Succcess Double Embossed Dotted Lace
Die Cuts:  Lifestyle Crafts Nesting Doily Hearts, Spellbinders Circles, Nested Pennants
Ink:  TIm Holtz/Ranger Distress Antique Linen, Stampin Up! Real Red, Basic Black
Bling - Recollections (Michaels)
Twinery Twine Maraschino
Buttons:  Papertrey Ink


  1. I know which friend you are referring to and she just didn't have time! LOL. Your card is so cute it would have made hers look bad anyway Jeanne, this is so cute. I even have a few pieces of this patterned paper too. What was I thinking? I love how you fussy cut the sock monkey, the red and the black combo, the scallop border and pennant. I love it all. Great job and you know I am rooting for you to win!

  2. Oh this is just too darn adorable! Way too cute! the banner, the cut out monkey, love what you have done ,Jeanne. Too bad Cathy did not have time. I hope you win! Its should win :) enjoy your weekend!

  3. This is great Jeanne! Love this sock monkey paper, and I love the red satin bow, just delicious!

  4. Polka dots and banners--this definitely shouts "FUN"! Love that adorable paper and how clever to cut out one of the images to use for a focal point. He's SO cute!!

  5. This is so much fun, love that sock monkey!! : )

  6. Oh how cuuuute Jeanne! Love the banner and darling sock monkeys! What a fun card! I have a smile on my face just like him :)

  7. OHHH!! this is so cute! love the image, d/p and embellish. TFS with us at Cupcake Inspirations.
    Zulma DT

  8. oh my this is so cute...perfectly fits for our cupcake inspirations challenge great job

    Tina sweetie dt

  9. You're on my reader...
    you keep disappearing...
    but you're back...YAY!!
    And this is so stinkin' adorable...
    I just die!
    Love that sock money...
    such a fabulous take on this challenge...
    just love it!!
    And check my blog for a surprise for you! ;)

  10. OMG!!!! this is so awesome, every single detail makes me happy!!!

  11. This is absolutely adorable. That monkey is the cutest thing, but your little touches put this card over the edge. I especially like your banner. And, I know who you were talking about, Ms. Sock Monkey.

  12. Too funny! I love that the sock monkey is making a comeback! I saw 2 folks yesterday with sock monkey knit caps:) Just like this card, they just make me smile!

  13. Sooooo Cute! What a great card! You have a way with color and knowing how to correctly use it.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!