
Friday, September 30, 2011

Stampin Royalty Challenge #91 - K.I.S.S. - Genuine

I don't know about you, but when I start browsing blogs I'm starting to notice that some people have a specific style.  Maybe they work with specific colors, or products - like punches - or great bows - or flowers, machine stitching, etc...  Maybe they have mad genious Copic skills and can shade and color anything. 

Then I got to wondering if I had a specific style.  I decided that I didn't, that is until I started working on this card for the Stampin' Royalty Keep It Simple Sweetie Challenge.   I had a hard time with this.  I kept looking at my work and thinking about how it would look so much better if I added another embellishment here or there.  All that clean empty space was calling to me to fill it up. 

I decided to stop fighting it and embrace this new alien concept (it felt that way to me anyway) and give it a try.  I kept repeating "open empty space is beautiful".....   Here is the card I came up with -  and I'll tell you, this is as clean and simple as it gets for me.
It would have been easy for me to say "forget this one"  - " this challenge is not for you".  But, the thing is,  I really like trying different challenges.  I  appreciate that it keeps me thinking about different ways to create.  I'm glad  to be trying new things and using products in ways that I wouldn't have considered before.  If you'd like to give the clean and simple look a try - or maybe it is your specialty - you can find the details at

Products Used:
Stamps:  Stampin' Up!
Die:  Spellbinders Labels 18
Paper:  My Mind's Eye Lost & Found Collection Portobello Road "Boy" Cowboy Paper, and "Buddies" Perfect Paper
Embossing Folder:  Sizzix / Tim Holtz Damask & Regal Flourishes
Embossing Powder:  Zing Chestnut Brown
Ink:  Momento Rich Cocoa, Ranger/Tim Holtz Distress Antique Linen


  1. This is beautiful Jeanne, CAS it maybe, but there's a lot of style and detail here! Gorgeous!

  2. Jeanne - I think your CAS card is lovely - I like the texture, the string and that super stamp! It's super!

  3. This is fantastic! I love the colours together. Thanks for playing this week!

  4. Oh what great masculine card.... Love the colors and added twine :)

  5. I just love your card! You are my pick of the week for our challenge at Stampin' Royalty, hope you win!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!