
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day - Operation Write Home Blog Hop

I am so proud of our men and women in service that I couldn't resist participating in the  Operation Write Home Blog Hop! 

OWH supports our nation's armed forces by sending blank handmade greeting cards to write home on, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them. This merry band of thousands of card makers is made up of Americans - and citizens of other nations too - who care about our military, and want to support them through creativity and encouragement. Crafters of all ages and levels of experience have participated since 2007...and are on the way to a landmark one MILLION cards!  What a great way to show our support!

I started out with this great "little sailor" image from the Melissa Frances Patriotic Ticket Book, and dressed it up with lots of classic ALL AMERICAN red white and blue.  I embellished the "Stars and Stripes Forever" sticker with some wire edge ribbon by simply pulling one of the wires to create the ruffle and twisting the wires together into a circle.

I hope you like it!!   HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!

Materials Used:
"Little Sailor" Melissa Frances  Patriotic Ticket Book
Paper:  K & C. Boy Scouts of America Collection
Bubble Sticker K & Co.
Die Cut:  Spellbinders Nested Pennants
Border Punch:  Martha Stewart
Sentiment:  Just Rite Stampers Fancy Frames
Ink:  Momento Rich Cocoa, Ranger/Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Frayed Burlap, Chipped Sapphire, and Fired Brick


  1. What a beautiful, patriotic card! I love the colorized flag in the B&W image. It's really striking! Thank you for participating in the OWH hop today.

  2. Wow! beautiful card!

  3. Oooooooh! Love this card! I love the image, colors, and the button embellishment. Well done!

  4. Ohhhhh my gosh! I just LOVE this card and its vintage feel. The stars and stripes forever sticker in the middle of the flowers is GREAT!

  5. This is one of the very best I've seen today, it's perfect in every little detail. It's stunning.

    Best vintage card of the day! Wonderful!

  6. Totally Stunning! I love the vintage look and the button too! W0W!
    Hummer Hugs,
    hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

  7. What a great card. Your attention to the little details is fantastic.

    Thanks for supporting OWH!

  8. oh I love this! perfect vintage!!!! :)

  9. What a cute card! I love the vintage sticker, it's perfect for this card. TFS!

  10. Wow... what a gorgeous card! I had to peek at a few pages of your blog, you do wonderful work!

    I'd like to invite you to make a sample card in the future for Operation Write Home's Midweek Throwdown challenge. You can contact me at gonestampin(at)gmail(dot)com

    Happy hopping and have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  11. Oh, wow--what a gorgeous card! I love the little sailor saluting, and your scalloped borders, not to mention the cool ribbon badge! I've tagged you to receive the Liebster Blog Award! Please check out my blog to see how this works (click on my name above).

  12. I adore your vintage card! So cute and patriotic--this will definitely bring good cheer!

  13. I love this card! :) The vintage sticker looks like a button. I love how you did the ribbons, this is a creative way to use wired ribbon. Keep it up, I look forward to your next update. -ej


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